Przemysław Czerpak wrote:
> It's completely unimportant which code exploited the problem in
> visible way. Important is only that you are mixing files compiled
> for ST and MT mode (with and without -tWM flag) during linking
> final application and this is the source of your problem.
> All what you have to do is eliminating it.

This is probably the _REAL_ cause.

I have checked, if not otherwise nullified, even if -st flag is 
sent to hbMK2, it always compiles C code as :

bcc32.exe -c -q -tWM -d -6 -O2 -OS -Ov -Oi -Oc -w -Q -w-sig-
-nE:\dev_hbmk\xharbour\obj\cacherdd -IC:\xharbour\include
-ID:\Projects\CacheRDD\Include E:\dev_hbmk\xharbour\obj\cacherdd\CacheRDD.c 

and in link script "cw32mt.lib" is visible.

So I need to wait till Viktor's response.

Thank you for pinning down the issue.

     enjoy hbIDEing...
        Pritpal Bedi
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