Hi Przemek,

On 2010 May 12, at 12:33, Przemysław Czerpak wrote:

> On Wed, 12 May 2010, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
> Hi Viktor,
>> My only concern is #pragmas. Here compatibility 
>> doesn't apply as Clipper didn't have them.
>> Do you think it can be fixed to reset the #pragma 
>> settings to initial state after compiling each 
>> separate source file?
> Probably yes but this sentence suggests that you want to not only
> hack one reported by user problem.

> I thought that you want to introduce full separation of compiled
> PRG modules specified at command line so hbmk2 which now passed
> all prg modules to harbour compiler in single call can be safely
> used without any interactions between compiled files.

Not to hack, but solve. IMO #pragma settings and 
macros are two different issues, though for me 
it's not a problem to handle them together and 
come up with a fuller solution. The only problem 
is that I can't really add any valuable input to 
the macro side.

My only slight, and maybe not justified concern 
is that if we reset everything between files, it 
may cause a performance hit compared to current 
state, at least it looked like so by reading your 
prev mail. IOW, I don't know how much do we want 
to complicate this and introduce undesired 
side-effects, other than that a full solution is 
always a good thing.


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