On Tue, 11 May 2010, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:


> > Then I searched the sources for #pragma directives.
> > Because I am not the author of those sources, I never knew that
> > multiple #pragma directives were in use. And that was the potential
> > reason to get thousands of warnings which ultimately was killing 
> > the process.
> So this was the problem.
> I hope Przemek can take an expert look on this issue, 
> as I'm sure it's not intentional that such options are 
> changing across sources. F.e. this causes unpredictable 
> results for anyone using 'harbour *.prg' on a *nix 
> system f.e. These pragmas are meant to be per file.

It was intentional. At least it was strictly necessary in the past
when we haven't full support for .CLP files in Harbour compiler and
additional modules included from .CLP files or by DO command where
compiled just like any other .prg files specified in the command
line so we have to fully replicate Clipper logic in few different
places, i.e. PP should reset newly added user rules but should keep
modifications in standard rules, i.e. if you make
   #undef _SET_CONSOLE
in 1-st .prg module then _SET_CONSOLE is not visible also in the
next ones. But if you add:
   #define MY_SET
then MY_SET is reset before new module is compiled.
   2009-09-02 14:08 UTC+0200 Przemyslaw Czerpak (druzus/at/priv.onet.pl)
we can exclude from above scenario .prg files passed in command line and
make full compiler reset (in practice it means that we will have to
deallocate nearly everything and allocate and initialize everything from
scratch again)  but before you change it please make some tests
with Clipper to not break current behavior for @<name>.clp files and
SET PROCEDURE TO ... / DO ... [ WITH ... ] statements. If you make some
experiments with -D parameter then you will find also some other interesting
things in Clipper. Some of them looks like bugs.

best regards,
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