francesco perillo wrote: > > Personally, I did some tests in the past with hwgui and used the text > based coordinates as multipliers of font height and width... > WIDTH value can be calculated... code can be taken from the GET > system, since it calculates the screen area to use... just multiply by > font width.. >
This can be adopted to hbQT easily. > PICTURE are a problem since there is non compatibility with Qt... I > don't use complex picture string, just some "@!"... > VALID and WHEN are a completely diffent subject since you have to > create a layer that handles object focus... more, I did not understand > if there is already a system (hbxbp???) to interface memory variables > with "widgets" > Example, setting a variable value inside a widget is "easy"... but > then the widget must set the new value back, possibly in a clipper > compatible way.... > Yes, hbXBP binds memory variables to widgets. Check contrib/hbxbp/tests/demoxbp.prg. It illustrates this issue. > Or otherwise we should change programing paradigm, a new style of > programming, at least the screen interface... > No need to reinvent the wheel. hbXBP is/should be 100% Xbase++ compatible class framework and demonstrates that a simple Xbase++ program can be compiled as is. The need is to work on this library with some existing application ( which I think, Angel or Shum can provide us ) as a base application and fill-in the missing links. >> And what about tbrowses, achoices, prompts, >> menus? > > Well, if they were incapsulated in your functions, you may try to > adapt them to hbqt... > TBrowse: I think I can simulate exact TBrowse class in hbXBP. XbpBrowse() is already working. AChoice: should not be a problem but exact same behavior is difficult to attain if it is supposed to be called in a modal way. Menus: are entirely a different beast in GUI world and has to be implemented like this only. I did it for Xbase++ around the year 2002 without problems and with not much changes in the existing Clipper code. > In the long end, it would be difficult to adapt an old application > without serious changes in the code.... > And here the similarity ends. hbQT is not aimed at to be adopted to current Clipper code. If at any point, someone wants it, then GTQTC library is the answer, though it may need some more tweaks. ----- enjoy hbIDEing... Pritpal Bedi -- View this message in context: Sent from the harbour-devel mailing list archive at _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB)