I don't think that it's "too early"... we may work hard for many months to have stable hbQt.. but if it doesn't interface with the "clipper" way of doing business applications ?
In my code I have a lot of VALID and WHEN and PICTURE... if we don't think about a way to emulate such functionalities we may be forced to rewrite too much code... For QLineEdit we have :inputMask to act like a PICTURE but with a slighty different syntax... validators may also help... For VALIDs... should we connect to returnPressed() ? Or FocusOut ? and FocusIn for WHENs... I'd just like to receive this code snipped in a hbqt compatible way... just to understnad what changes are needed for the followinfg code snippet.... procedure main() local age := 0 local surname := space( 20 ) clear screen @ 2,2 say "Surname: " get surname PICTURE "@!" @ 4,2 say "Age" get age picture "99" when ! empty( surname ) valid age > = 18 read ? "Hello " + surname + "! Your are " + alltrim(str( age )) + " years old" Francesco _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list (attachment size limit: 40KB) Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour