Hi Pritpal:

There are 5 main things a bussines program does:

1) Imput Data
2) Save Data
3) Retrieve Data
4) Show Data
5) Print Data

Number 2 and 3 are topics harbour covers very well.

Number 4 and 5 I haven't tried yet

Number 1 I tried some months ago and result in a show stopper for me
I found no way to make a Get like screen navigable with Enter and cursor keys. I also found no way to send messages between objects and keyboard method of some xhparts was not implemented.
So I decided to stop tests till the library got more developed.
At the same time GPS began to show up so I decided to wait for that to be resolved too.

Some time soon (I'm really full of work now) I will resume my xhparts based Business Progran Skeleton.
I hope this time Shum will join as  he is also an xbase++ expert.

Congratulations fo the good work Pritpal, soon you will see new tests on the subject.


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