The only steep will be a  @say get replacement

#xcommand @ < nSayCol >, < nSayRow > XSAY < cText >                ;
          [SAYWIDTH < nSayWidth >]                                 ;
          GET < uVar > [GETWIDTH < nGetWidth >]                    ;
          [PICTURE < cPict >]                                      ;
          [VALID < bValid >]                                       ;
     =>                                                            ;
  Add( aGetList, { < cText >, _GetSet(@< uVar >),                  ;
        < nSayCol >, < nSayRow >, < nSayWidth >,                   ;
         nil, < nSayRow >, < nGetWidth >, < cPict >, < {bValid} > } )

#xcommand XSHOWGETS =>                                             ;
  FOR i := 1 TO Len(aGetList)                                      ;
      ; _CreateGet( aGetList\[i], drawingArea )                    ;

/* -------------------- */

aGetlist := {}

@ 20, 300 XSAY 'Customer' GET cCustomer GETWIDTH 200 ;
  VALID TestEmpty(cCustomer,'Customer Name')

2010/4/23 Lorenzo Fiorini <>:
> This is the main problem of hbqt. If it can't easily migrate existing
> C5x UI code like @ say/get read forms and tbrowses it is almost
> useless for me. Easily desn't mean 100% compatible but something that
> can be done using PP and some modifications.
> If not it would be much simpler to use QT in "native way". You'll
> easily find skilled C++ developers, support and documentation.

Massimo Belgrano
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