On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 5:19 PM, Phil Krylov <p...@newstar.rinet.ru> wrote:
>> Storing settings in .ini (or .xml) files as opposed to
>> registry. Author Eugene Roshal insisted on registry
>> (while I insisted that this is a mistake - this was in
>> 1996), so finally some .bat files have born to save/restore
>> reg content, but I miss "portability" to this very date,
>> at least as an option. F.e. I store Far executables on
>> a VMWare virtual disk (or network share, or host drive),
>> and access it from multiple VMs. Now keeping in sync my
>> Far preferences between VMs is practically impossible.
>> If you agree, you could ask for this feature on russian
>> Far Manager forums :)
> Do you mean they ignore English messages? ;)

Ok I got a user account on their bugzilla, there is bug 183:
Registry2INI, which proposes to add a cmdline parameter
/ini[:filename.ini] to use ini for reading and writing configuration
registry entries. Last message on that bug dated 2007. I guess if you
write a patch and post it there it might work...

-- Ph.
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