>> A few more questions about MC:
>> - Let's say I want to see .gz file in plain (or hex) format. I do
>> not want F3 to unpack it. How can I do that?

And here is major source of frustration. On OS X this 
will bring up a copy dialog on xterm and do nothing in 

>> - I want to put current file name into command line. How can I do
>> that? (Ctrl+Enter in Far do the job).
> In the same way (it's CTRL+J in both cases and on some terminals
> CTRL+ENTER works like CTRL+J) anyhow in MC you have much more
> possibilities. Of course you can use keystrokes like CTRL+J or
> ESC + a / A (current or second panel path) but I usually found
> macros much more flexible, i.e. try:
>   echo "Current dir: %d, current file %f"
> or:
>   echo "secind panel dir: %D, and file %F"

Esc + a/A works, Ctrl+J doesn't, Ctrl+Enter does something 
else, but can't see what exactly.

>> - Find file command shortcut is "M-?". What does it mean?
> M- means META KEY (usually ALT on PC keyboards)
> M-? means ALT + "?", if you are using ENGLISH PC keyboard then you
> will have to hit SHIFT + "/" to take "?" character, so for you this
> key combination probably means ALT + SHIFT + "/". If you are using
> keyboard where "?" character is generated in different way (i.e.
> directly) then final combination can be different.
> If you are using terminal where META key cannot be used in combination
> with some other shift keys then you can use single ESC hit as META key,
> i.e. ESC, SHIFT + "/" will work on all terminals.
> BTW ^- means CTRL. i.e. ^Q means CTRL+Q

These things work.

>> - Does MC editor has column block marking? In Far such block can be
>> marked using Alt+arrows. Alt+arrows throws me out of edit window and
>> I see OC, OB, OD, or OA in command line.
> Yes it has. It's activated by F13 or SHIFT+F3 (you should see "C" in
> status line instead of "B" when column marking is activated).
>> Other unsupported keys also tends to put garbage into command line.

Shift+F3 doesn't work on OS X, but F13, which is Print Scrn/SysRq on 
my PC keyboard, does. (it's little bit bad that cursor can't go 
past last char in line, so there is some flickering around.)


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