>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mindaugas Kavaliauskas [mailto:dbto...@dbtopas.lt] 
>Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 6:03 PM
>To: Harbour Project Main Developer List.
>Subject: Re: [Harbour] Edit Compile Debug in visual cycle


>- Does MC editor has column block marking? In Far such block can be 
>marked using Alt+arrows. Alt+arrows throws me out of edit window and I 
>see OC, OB, OD, or OA in command line. Other unsupported keys 
>also tends 
>to put garbage into command line.
>I'll have more question after I'll need to make some job on Linux.

All these possibilities and much mooooore is in NDN (too on Linux

Marek Horodyski
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