> On Tue, 17 Nov 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
>> And here is major source of frustration. On OS X this 
>> will bring up a copy dialog on xterm and do nothing in 
>> Terminal.
> It's not MC problem at all so I guess you wanted to say that
> MacOSX is frustrating OS for users ;-)
> At least it does not seems to be well tuned if default terminals
> are wrongly configured.

Could easily be. Unfortunately MC doesn't come 
with the system in the first place, it needs to 
be installed from MacPorts.

>> Esc + a/A works, Ctrl+J doesn't, Ctrl+Enter does something 
>> else, but can't see what exactly.
> Again is not MC problem.

Which again helps me not, and in my first mail I 
told it might well be terminal problem or any sort 
of configuration property, but for me it doesn't make 
a difference. All I perceive it that I can't use it.

>> Shift+F3 doesn't work on OS X, but F13, which is Print Scrn/SysRq on 
>> my PC keyboard, does. (it's little bit bad that cursor can't go 
>> past last char in line, so there is some flickering around.)
> Please do not confuse different things.
> It does not work in your terminal emulator so I suggest to change it
> or report bug to its authors.

I don't care who's at fault to be exactly honest.

And I'm a little bit tired to submit reports to OSS 
projects (just to be ignored, or taught some lessons).

Anyhow by time I believe this will be solved, maybe 
not with terminal + MC, but something else. Maybe 
Eclipse as far programming goes. For file management, 
there are nice alternatives, like muCommander or 


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