On 2009 Nov 15, at 18:12, Mindaugas Kavaliauskas wrote:

> Hi,
> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>> While I'm comfortable at the command line, I couldn't yet find an 
>> alternative for Far Manager on *nix systems.
> Midnight commander is equivalent on Linux.

It's supposed to be, but in practice it's just can't 
work nearly that smoothly. F.e. even PgUp/PgDn died 
(or maybe it never worked) to navigate, I have to 
press Esc twice to exit a View/Edit window, Insert 
key doesn't work, the editor is quite limited in comparison. 
There are several dozens of such annoyances and most 
of them are probably not MC specific but inherent to 
all *nix CUI apps. Or, MC developers simply just don't 
care of these matters, or I'd have to get used to this 
clumsier environment and new/longer key shortcuts, 
and it eventually would get better. I'm trying since 
many years, but so far no success. In 95% of cases I 
end up using plain cmdline instead. To make it worse, 
MC behaves slightly differently depending on the account 
I use, depending on the OS/Terminal app I use, many 
times these differences seriously influence the way 
keys are handled and how output is presented (CP, 
colors). Executing cmds from cmdline always seems to 
put MC in a strange status where I usually have to 
quit it. Etc, etc, etc. All in all, it has a long way 
to come even close to Far Manager. And I didn't mention 
Unicode files or CP issues.

Could be I'm just too stupid to "get" all the quirks 
of *nix CUI app behavior, but to me it looks like one 
of those things that I believe should work a lot 
smoother in this day and age. And I mean, out of the box.

Probably the root of many issues is that *nix terminal 
seems to have a hard time utilizing lots of otherwise 
accessible key combinations, like Shift+Cursor, Insert, 
or Alt+Key.


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