On Sun, 15 Nov 2009, Massimo Belgrano wrote:


> whem develop in harbour   using xmate by andy wos i have a high productivity
> When compile my sample without xmate i start immediately because i not
> need create xhp for each project
> But when i compile and debug my source  is difficult moving from error to 
> editor
> With xmate i have a high productivity because
> syntax highlight made easy read
> itellisense give  suggestion about my function and his parameter
> if made error when compile goto source/line of error
> i also use [x]harbour languages guide integrated with f1
> So for me is easy the works
> How harbour can facilitate the integration of Xmate?

In the past I suggested to create configuration for XMate which will
use hbmk2 to compile and link programs.
Now the set of hbmk2 options seems to reach some final form so it should
be easy to create it. I haven't tried but I think it should be possible
to make it quite fast.

> Pritpal in past have a harbour distribution who integrate xmate so
> think that he can understand the importance of visual
> another candidate for integration is xdevstudio but is Spanish only afaik

The 1-st and most important thing is portability. Such tool should work
with MS-Windows, MacOSX, Linux and other POSIX systems using X-Windows
and some portable GUI library like GTK or QT (or even sth older like motif,
xforms, ...).
XMate and xDevStudio work only in Windows what strongly reduce their usages.
XMate is mostly written as .prg code using some xHarbour extensions and
Windows API library created by Andrzej Woś. Maybe we can try to contact
with Andrzej and ask him about multiplatform version of xMate or free
release at least of part of xMate code which is platform independent so
we can try to adopt it to HBQT or other portable GUI library for Harbour.
Maybe even someone asked about it? BTW Who of us last time contact with
Andrzej? Looking at my mail archive I see that I received last message
from him on 26 Jul 2007.
Andrzej if you are reading please answer or send a message to my private
e-mail address.

> Other option used for visual path
> in which way other harbour user find productivity in compile-edit-debug cycle.

Each of us has own preferences so even if you like some tools then it does
not have to be usable for other users. But I agree that multiplatform version
of xMate can be great extension for Harbour community.

best regards,
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