whem develop in harbour   using xmate by andy wos i have a high productivity
When compile my sample without xmate i start immediately because i not
need create xhp for each project
But when i compile and debug my source  is difficult moving from error to editor
With xmate i have a high productivity because
 syntax highlight made easy read
 itellisense give  suggestion about my function and his parameter
 if made error when compile goto source/line of error
 i also use [x]harbour languages guide integrated with f1
 So for me is easy the works

How harbour can facilitate the integration of Xmate?
Pritpal in past have a harbour distribution who integrate xmate so
think that he can understand the importance of visual

another candidate for integration is xdevstudio but is Spanish only afaik

Other option used for visual path

in which way other harbour user find productivity in compile-edit-debug cycle.

Massimo Belgrano
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