I left uhttpd demo server running for weekend. It was working OK for 24
hours until 13/Jun/2009 18:37:04 (the time of last query). It seems,
that all 50 thread (maximum number of threads) are blocked in some
operation like port read. I do not know the exact bug yet. I'll try to
find it ASAP and rerun demo application.
I'll also answer all question in one "digest style" mail here.
Lorenzo wrote:
I'm trying to follow another approach with similar goals: using the
web browser as "GUI client" but I'm trying to save as much code as
Clearly this kind of solution is for a known and small ( 1-200 )
numbers of users.
So far I've tried two interfaces: Mozilla XUL that allows a look and
feel very close to a normal desktop app and a full HTML/AJAX interface
based on JQueryUI + plugins.
It would be nice to see your solution by sample, I also do not
understand your "save much code as possible". Save what kind of code?
Does it saves code written using event handlers and ex., WinAPI, or hbqt?
Do you think too about WebSerwices (they are needed for business applications)?
I do not understand that do you mean saying "WebSerwices". Is any
application providing http service a "webservice"? If YES, then uhttpd
already IS a webservice. If you are talking about something like two
fork operation to keep server running after parent process is closed,
this can be implemented in a few lines of code (perhaps HB_PROCESS*()
should help here).
I get your sources, can you please explain what I need to install it
in my web page to have remote access ?
You need to have Harbour compiler and C compiler. You also do not need
your web page at all. If you already have a webpage on oprt 80, run
uhttpd on another port.
- When will the EXIT event be called for a page (session)
which is left there open in the browser? or, if the browser
windows is closed. Or, if user navigates to a page outside
the site?
If navigate to another page inside the same application. It is also
possible to call all EXIT command on session expiration.
My guess is it will expire in a while, if so, how to
control this expiration?
I have #define know, but it could be moved to server variable.
- How sessions are recognized by server? Is it possible to
continue a session after a net link outage, in the case the
client IP address changed?
Controlled by cookie. It can work after client moved to different IP
now, though I see here a little security problem. Interception of cookie
may lead to unauthorized access.
I didn't inspect the code yet, but it would be nice
to be able to pass LOCAL vars (f.e. array/hash container
of values) down the path. To make it possible to avoid
It is possible to pass all them as locals, but I've tried to avoid
passing of 4 or 5 parameters though a few function in the stack.
Next question: Why don't we apply these to our core? It's a waste
of resources to have two socket APIs.
I do not want to be the one who tries to push his own code into SVN. If
many people find it useful, I has no objection to put it to SVN. But I
do not care about current HB_INET* code, I do not want to answer
question "how to move from old socket function to new?", "does backward
compatibility layer exists?", etc., because I never used the old socket
code. We have currently similar situation in OLE world. I stopped use
CVS OLE code, and I wrote my clean code, after I was unable to manage
hacky side effects of public CVS implementation. But I use OLE only to
import export code from EXCEL, no GTWVG, no ActiveX, I'm not able to
answer FiveWin user howto move their code to new OLE implementation. I
do not want to be in same situation in socket library also.
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