I want to share some more ideas (and code) about uhttpd development. All pro and cons, and any brainstorming is very welcome. Sources can be obtained from: http://www.dbtopas.lt/hrb/uhttpd-0.2.zip You can test running demo application at (I'll try to keep it running for some time): http://www.dbtopas.lt:8001/ I also want to add answer about one question. uhttpd support and upload into Harbour SVN. I expected and wrote some time before: ------ I just have some ideas how to extend it, but I'm not sure if these ideas will be similar to SVN changes by other people. It can happen, that after some time I will propose something completely different and incompatible from SVN. ------ I see many backward incompatible changes in my uhttpd, and I'm going to do development in this incompatible way. I'm just experimenting with my simple applications, and I want to find a best web application architecture solution. I'm not interested in showcounter sample, or uhttp_cookie object, so, I do not want to do any changes to SVN uhttpd sample. Feel free to pick the features you like and put it into SVN. Regards, Mindaugas The main idea ============= I've implemented sessions for uhttpd. This session model is different from other WWW servers. In database oriented web applications, server has to open database file read/write some data, generate html output, close database, send response to client. This requires database opening/closing for each request. The goal of this implementation was to avoid this opening/closing and other per request initialization/ exit operations. This could be done by keeping a separate thread for each session. Every request of some session is processed by the same thread and this thread keeps databases open. This approach makes web server a little similar to terminal server: each application has "its own" thread in web server (just like each application has its own process in case remote terminal). Some remote terminal protocol is used to send keyboard data to and receive screen image from terminal server, here we use HTTP protocol for this purpose. Sessions ======== Main thread waits for connections. Accept connections are put into common request queue. This queue is processed by some threads. These threads reads http request from socket and analyzes session information. If request corresponds to some session and session information is required to handle particular request, the request is redirected to sessioned request queue of corresponding session. These sessioned requests are processed by sessioned threads. Each active session has one sessioned thread to handle request. This thread keeps databases open. Some request (for example, .css file request) does not requires session data even if client has active session with server, these request may be processed by threads of common request queue. If keep-alive connections are used, after sessioned request is processed, connection is put into common request queue. This helps to move receiving of request and processing of static content responses to common queue threads, thus leaving sessioned threads available for generation of dynamic content for another keep-alive connection of the same session. Common keep-alive conn. +----------------------+ Accepted | | +-------------+ connection V Common queue | | Main thread | -----------+-------------> ################### | +-------------+ ^ V | | +------+ +------+ +------+ | | |Thread| |Thread| |Thread| ---+ | +------+ +------+ +------+ | | | Keep-alive| | connections| Sessioned request queues | | | | #### <---------------------------+ | V | | +------+ | +---- |Thread| | | +------+ | | | | Sessioned request | | #### <---------------------------+ | V | +------+ +---- |Thread| +------+ Thread circulation ================== The figure above shows connection/request circulation. Thread circulation is done in very similar way. All children threads are created by main thread. These child threads wait for connections in common request queue. If sessioned request is received, thread finds the corresponding sessioned thread, passes request to it, and starts to wait for new request. If sessioned thread is not found (the first session request is received), this thread initializes session data and becomes a sessioned thread. After processing of the first session request, it does not return to common request queue, but waits for requests of this session only. After session is destroyed, this thread returns to common request queue. Mounting table ============== Traditional web servers exposes directory tree (DocumentRoot) to the clients. Server side scripts are a regular files having executable attribute or some kind of extension (ex., .php) inside directory tree (or some aliased directory). uhttpd is oriented to be a single compiled application and dynamic web pages are generated not by external files (thought, we can add such possibility using .hrb or .prg files), but generated by function linked into final executable. Thus some "table" is needed to convert requested URL to server script. This table is called mounting table in my uhttpd implementation. It allows to mount a single URL or URL subtree to a particular handler (function or codeblock). Mounting table is hash, having this structure: oServer:aMount := { url => { handler, sessioned }, ... } URL can a single URL path, or path containing '*' wildchar in the end. Example: /app/login - single URL match http://host/app/login /files/* - the whole URL subtree from http://host/files/ /* - the whole URL tree http://host/ NOTE: '*' should be placed after '/' symbol to match URL subtree. Usage of '/files*' is invalid and do not match '/files1', '/filesa' or '/files/x'. The requested URL path is checked by deleting last slashed part until URL is found in mounting table. If no URL found in mounting table, 404 Not Found error is returned. Example 1. If '/files/folder/aaa' is requested, '/files/folder/aaa', '/files/folder/*', '/files/*', and '/*' will be checked before 404 error is returned. Example 2. If '/files/folder/' is requested, '/files/folder/', '/files/folder/*', '/files/*', and '/*' will be checked before 404 error is returned. NOTE 2: if you want to use a slash-less URL address as a synonym for the folder you may need an extra redirection rule. Ex., "/files" => {{|| URedirect("/files/")}, .F.} "/files/*" => {{|x| UProcFiles(DocumentRoot + x)}, .F.} Widgets ======= The implementation described above can be used to develop web applications with a power comparable to plain php, but we will need some framework/toolkit on top of basic uhttp server to allow a quick application development. UWidgets is used for this purpose. It allows to use some objects (browse, etc.) instead of plain: UWrite('<table>') DO WHILE ! EOF() UWrite('<tr><td>' + FIELD->NAME + '</td><td align="right">' + STR(FIELD->AGE) + '</td></tr>') DBSKIP() ENDDO UWrite('</table>') To use UWigets under some URL subtree, you should add an entry to server mounting table specifying standard widgets handler: "app/*" => {{|x| UProcWidgets(x, s_aMap)}, .T.} You can see UWidgets handler requires requests to be sessioned. s_aMap is one more table similar to server mounting table. Actually, these two tables can be merged is widgets are implemented inside server itself, but I want to keep widgets implementation separate, thus, allowing an alternative implementations. s_aMap is hash containing the mapping of URL subtree into handler functions. Ex., s_aMap := { "login" => @proc_login(), ; "main" => @proc_main(), ; "account" => @proc_account(), ; "items" => @proc_items(), ; "items/edit" => @proc_items_edit(), ; "logout" => @proc_logout()} Page handler functions receives a parameter indicating received event/method. Handler has a structure: STATIC FUNC proc_handler(cMethod) IF cMethod == "INIT" // This code is executed on entering URL (first call to this URL) // Here we open databases used to process queries ELSEIF cMethod == "POST" // Process HTTP POST request ELSEIF cMethod == "GET" // Process HTTP GET request ELSEIF cMethod == "EXIT" // This code is executed on leaving URL (before first call to // another URL) // Here we close databases opened in INIT method, etc. ENDIF RETURN .T. As you can see this handler reminds the structure of traditional GUI based application message/event handler, for example in windows, we have: STATIC FUNC WndProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam) IF uMsg == WM_CREATE ELSEIF uMsg == WM_PAINT ELSEIF uMsg == WM_DESTROY ENDIF RETURN ... I hope this similarity will help to develop (or convert) event based GUI applications to web easier. The widgets are created on INIT method. The main widget is UWMain object. Creation of widgets is done using a function following Clipper convention: <object_name>New(). So, oM := UWMainNew() creates a main widget of web page. This main widget acts as a layout/container in for example, GTK+ library. It has :Add() method and other widgets can be included inside of it. Ex., oM := UWMainNew() oM:Add( UWLabelNew("Hello, Widgets World!") ) UWidgets keeps main widget (and its children) inside session variable and produces html output for it upon GET (or POST) requests. Main widget "renders" all its child widgets, until the whole web page content is generated. This html "rendering" is performed by UWDefaultHandler(). POST method is usually used to perform some action on user data. I use URedirect() function to do "redirect after post" and solve the problem of from resubmitting, etc. Modal page handlers =================== Page handler has INIT, GET/POST, and EXIT messages. INIT and EXIT methods are called only after you request of new page. Ex., GET request "items" executes: page_items("INIT") page_items("GET") Next GET request "items" executes: page_items("GET") If you issue a GET "account" request, it will execute: page_items("EXIT") page_account("INIT") page_account("GET") A tree structure of URL is transfered into page handles INIT, EXIT logic. It helps make some feeling of modal structure of handler. I call it "modal" because of idea how event are processed in event handlers of modal dialogs. Let's have event handler function items_handler() for items dialog, and items_edit_handler() function for item_edit dialog. PROC items_handler() ... IF event = "edit button pressed" dialog := create_new_modal_dialog() // create items_edit dialog dialog:handler := @items_edit_handler() process_event_loop() // until dialog is closed destroy_dialog(dialog) ENDIF ... RETURN during process_event_loop() events are processed inside items_edit_handler() function, and this event handler can access workareas opened in a parent dialog (item dialog), private variables of item_hadler(), etc. The similar effect was tried to reach in page hadlers. Let's continue our sample (last query was "account"). GET request for "items" executes: page_account("EXIT") page_items("INIT") page_items("GET") GET request for "items/edit" executes: page_items_edit("INIT") // no page_items("EXIT") !!! page_items_edit("GET") GET request for "account" executes: page_items_edit("EXIT") page_items("EXIT") page_account("INIT") page_account("GET") GET request for "account/edit" executes: page_account_edit("INIT") page_account_edit("GET") etc... Other major changes =================== - dropped underscore and changed style to lower case for "global" memvars: server, get, post, cookie, session. These variables are accessed very often, and it is not some kind of internals marked by underscore. Code looked very UPPERCASE SCREAMING before; - uhttpd rewritten to be an object. Server does not occupies main() function any more, and can be included into any application (or even a few servers in one application); - implemented missing HTTP/1.1 headers; - implemented keep-alive connections to reduce TCP handshake overhead; - implemented HTTP/1.1 Last-Modified and co., to avoid resend of unmodified static content; - session expiration; - socket.c module supports linux (thanks Przemek for detailed instructions); - socket.c is more multithread GC friendly (using hb_vm[Un]Lock()); - error handling. Runtime errors in "user" code does not cause server crash; Pro and Cons ============ One thread per session ---------------------- Pro: * OK, if there is a limited number of clients actively using web application Cons: * not scalable solution for sites with thousands low activity users (will keep a large number of inactive threads) The implementation of sessioned threads was started from idea: it's nice to have a prepared open aliases, positioned records, etc, on request processing instead of opening, positioning and closing it on every request. Some alias caching or another data model can solve this problem. Sessioned threads ----------------- Pro: * Keeps alias state unchanged * Solves race condition problem for accessing session vartiables Cons: * A little complicated and not standard architecture * Request should be divided into sessioned and non-sessioned Modal page handlers ------------------- Pro: * helps to have aliases opened in parent (as in modal application) Cons: * disables to handle request for a few unrelated parts of web application. For example, if unrelated part having a different URL branch is opened in popup window. The old page handler receives EXIT message and state (aliases, etc) is lost. Widgets and layouts -------------------- Pro: * It's OK for compilated AJAX widgets, like browse Cons: * For simple widgets (ex., UWHTML,. UWLabel, UWInput) is much easier to write a plain HTML code, than widget creation code Roadmap ======= I'm not sure if I will not delete the whole sessioned threads, modal page handlers, and widgets in next version of uhttpd. But there are a few things I know I will implement: * Templates Perhaps this can change widgets a lot. Only complicated widgets will remain. Simple widgets and layouts will move to templates. _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list Harbour@harbour-project.org http://lists.harbour-project.org/mailman/listinfo/harbour