> Because in this build is not create rddsql. I have find it in your distro, 
> and when I make :

rddsql is unconditionally created in all builds, unless you override
HB_CONTRIBLIBS envvar, so if you didn't, the problem must be
somewhere in your environment, either it was accidentally moved,
or the lib structure was altered in some other ways.

I used plain and simple build method to create the distro itself.

> C:\harbour\contrib\rddsql\sddodbc\tests>hbmk2 test1.prg -lodbc32 
> -LC:\harbour-11\mingw\lib -LC:\harbour-11\lib\win\mingw
> hbmk: Processing configuration: C:\harbour\bin\hbmk.cfg
> hbmk: Processing: sddodbc.hbc
> Harbour 2.0.0dev (Rev. 11280)
> Copyright (c) 1999-2009, http://www.harbour-project.org/
> Compiling 'test1.prg'...
> Lines 23, Functions/Procedures 1
> Generating C source output to 'test1.c'... Done.
> have I test1.exe and acces to test.MDB. It works ! :)
> Now I'm try to acces to Oracle.
> Please give me a moment of time.


You can also use the new 2.0.0beta1 binary distro *as is*,
as the contrib/rddsql tests programs are included now.

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