
I`m trying to do it but without success ;-(
using :
? "Connect:", RDDINFO( RDDI_CONNECT, { "ODBC", "Driver=Microsoft ODBC
Driver for Oracle;SERVER=KS_172.16.0.13;Uid={user};Pwd={pass}" } )

Does this print ".F."?
Actually I know nothing about ODBC :) , except that it accepts one long connection string parameter with many options... Do you any other tool to put "Driver=Microsoft ODBC Driver for Oracle;SERVER=KS_172.16.0.13;Uid={user};Pwd={pass}" into, and see, if it works? If it works, error is in sddodbc, if no, something wrong in another place.

I can connect on this particular machine to Oracle database with,
for example, Excel (Database query) but not with sddodbc
(I have sucess here with connection to local Firebird`s database with

So, I thing it's not problem of sddodbc. sddodbc works the same way for all database engines.

Im looking also for example how to connect to Firebird using  sddfb.
  RDDINFO(RDDI_CONNECT, {"FIREBIRD",, user, password, database})

I was writing SDDFB right after SDDMY, so I wanted to keep, form:
  RDDINFO(RDDI_CONNECT, {driver, server, user, password, database})

AFAI understand, server is not specified for Firebird. So, I left this parameter empty. If it is not going to be implemented in Firebird we can drop this empty parameter, since, other databases (like odbc) has completely different parameters anyway.

  RDDINFO(RDDI_CONNECT, {"FIREBIRD", database, user, password})
can be a good alternative.


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