> Stable, where ?
> On site I see :
>        Project Status:
>        Current release: v1.0.1
>        Release Date: 2008-09-17

To try out rddsql + sddodbc, you probably don't need to wait
for a stable release, any recent source will do, but its up to
your judgement.

> When I try build from Nightly with MingGw, in log have I  :
> ------------------------
> [ ... ]
> mingw32-make: *** [source] Error 2
> GNU Make returned: 2
> ---------------------------
> I wrong realize instruction from C:\harbour-11\mingw\mingwvars.bat
> When I add \BIN to MinGW path, now for the first time I was able to build 
> from HARBOR nightly zip file!
> The project is now built. Tomorrow I will try to connect to Oracle.


[ Well, they ways to have an unsuccessful build is apparently infinite :)
I can only recommend INSTALL doc, most situations are covered there
by now. For sure builds are stably working for all supported compilers
on Windows. So if there is something wrong, it's worth to look into
local environment. I'm not specifically saying this to you, but to everyone
having difficulties.

We still miss one section, and seeing the problems maybe we shall
have one: "SETTING UP C COMPILERS". While this is *really* not
the job of ours, maybe I'll include my configuration initializer batches,
to help users. Now the only question who will keep all this foreign
information up to date on the long run. ]

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