Now there is another problem: there are multiple versions of DBU sources, the patch is for 5.2e version. (for RL it's 5.3, because I cannot find 5.2e sources of it - If someone has them, could I get it?)
So, now we have 5 questions with no answer. IMO dos2unix isn't needed, EOL should adapt to environment if you used .gz/.bz2 or SVN to get the sources. Dunno the rest. If someone has an idea how to create a portable .dif, please tell, or if there is a way to apply a .dif made with 'diff -u <olddir> <newdir>'. Brgds, Viktor On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Davor Siklic<> wrote: > Davor Siklic napsal(a): >> >> Viktor Szakáts napsal(a): >>>> >>>> Hi all >>>> >>>> dbu.dif is not usable on linux, any hint ? >>>> >>> >>> No. What happens? >>> > s...@siki:/opt/clipp/harbour/examples/dbu$ dos2unix dbu.dif > s...@siki:/opt/clipp/harbour/examples/dbu$ patch dbu.prg dbu.dif > patching file dbu.prg > Hunk #1 FAILED at 60. > Hunk #2 FAILED at 381. > Hunk #3 FAILED at 398. > 3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file dbu.prg.rej > can't find file to patch at input line 44 > Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option? > The text leading up to this was: > -------------------------- > |diff -u -x make_dif.bat ..\ori_src\dbucopy.prg .\dbucopy.prg > |--- ..\ori_src\dbucopy.prg Thu Mar 04 04:20:00 1993 > |+++ .\dbucopy.prg Fri May 30 14:41:33 2008 > -------------------------- > File to patch: > > > maybe we can to update information in readme how to patch in linux > > regards > Davor > > > _______________________________________________ > Harbour mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ Harbour mailing list