I'd expect ppl are copying these files from old archives /
backup dirs to native file system where casing is retained,
but it's very difficult to tell.
yes, that's true, but in linux are most common use of lowercase file
names and that are, how to say, more native and expected
I know, one of the major points of this patch is to
make DBU code use lower case names. However DBU sources
still come in uppercase from the vendor, as we're just
patching them :) Same situation with superlib, but
there at least the source file is on a known public
FTP server.
Probably the distro/source tree cannot be fully perfect for
every existing scenario.
I think that if we can make script/batch/makefile which
change case of files if needed->apply dif->compile using hbmk2
I wouldn't like to add scripts unless absolutely necessary,
it would just add to complexity and increase platform
differences. We could add some instructions to the readme
I'd still like to know why the patch cannot be applied
even with matching case...
In the meantime I'll add 5.3 .dif and update the other
one as it has at least one omission.
Maybe we can include another dbu clone, Alexander's dbc come in mind
(Hello Alex :-)), or bdbf
From god old DOS days I use DBX (today with use of dosemu) but dont
have source and dont know how is with licence. Anyone ?
We can include anything if it's generally useful
and the license allows.
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