On Wed, 10 Jun 2009, Szak�ts Viktor wrote:
> I know, one of the major points of this patch is to
> make DBU code use lower case names. However DBU sources
> still come in uppercase from the vendor, as we're just
> patching them :) Same situation with superlib, but
> there at least the source file is on a known public
> FTP server.

Viktor, please convert it to lower names.
You will not find native *nix user who can accept upper filenames
in such context. Also most of use use archive programs which automatically
convert DOS file names to lower case. The problem is only with trash
introduced by windows and mixed short (upper) and long names (mixed) so
automatic file name conversion from DOS is usually disabled and have to
be enabled explicitly by user but it's still sth what is default action
for most of *nix users. People who are using case sensitive FS as default
used to use simple strict file case rules to avoid problems.

best regards,
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