Hi Alex, Przemek,
What is the significance of 'bin/hb-build' ?


On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 1:48 PM, Alex Strickland <s...@mweb.co.za> wrote:

> Viktor Szakáts wrote:
>  If this is the case I won't touch hbmk.prg anymore.
> They do different things although they are symlinks:
> "xhbcc" is a wrapper to the harbour compiler only. It only sets environment
> variables. The result of its work is a C file.
> Use "xhbcmp" exactly as you would use the harbour compiler itself.
> The main difference with xhbcmp is that it results in an object file,
> not a C file that needs compiling down to an object. xhbcmp also
> ensures that the harbour include directory is seen by the harbour compiler.
> "xhblnk" simply takes a list of object files and links them together
> with the harbour virtual machine and run-time library to produce an
> executable. The executable will be given the basename of the first object
> file if not directly set by the "-o" command line switch.
> "xhbmk" tries to produce an executable from your .prg file. It's a simple
> equivalent of cl.bat from the CA-Clipper distribution.
> Regards
> Alex
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