As command line better name small
I propose hbm.prg (and hbmg the gui ui possible version)

2009/2/17 Francesco Saverio Giudice <>:
> Hi Viktor,
> Il 17/02/2009 14.23, Viktor Szakáts ha scritto:
>> Thanks Alex, I forgot about these details.
>>    They do different things although they are symlinks:
> I know that there is a lot of work already did, but could you consider, as
> there is actually a problem of name overlapping, to rename current hbmk.prg
> to hbmake.prg and create hbmk.bat that redirects calls to hbmake.prg. So,
> until this (I found very useful) tool will be widely accepted and tested,
> both gcc and non-gcc version can be used in parallel ?
> In this case you can also add hbcc.bat, hbcmp.bat and hblnk.bat so it will
> full compatible with gcc version.
> My 2 cents
> Best regards
> Francesco
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