I'd like some functionality which lets the users reshape
the window, font size, font type. I reckon this will be
a recurring problem once the app gets to the field.
I could do that inside the app, but that would be far
from intuitive in a CUI application
(think of 'guess -> set -> try -> do it again until okay'
cycle - I'm not sure which setting is realtime).
[ I'm not talking about char screen resolution, because
this would need changing display content on the app
level. ]
Another one is what Massimo mentioned once, is the
possibility to control window closing, app shutdown.
In control I mean enable/disable (closing) and catch
it with a callback block. The xhb solution target this,
but it seems to be solved in a not very elegant way
(setkey plus some strange functions).
Also screen scraping is helpful in ordinary DOS window.
This all has been implemented in GTWVG long back. In a day or two I
show the code. And infact I would like to encapsilate those methods
in core
Hi Pritpal,
To make my "wishes" a bit more clear:
(I'm talking about pure character display in
a graphical window, like GTWVT)
1) In resize, font modify I meant a method which is
independent from app code, meaning a custom system
menu, and ability to resize the graphical window
with the mouse, and change font setup. Optionally
some callback to catch the settings to enable the
app to save those. This would also need support
for a "scale factor" probably.
So final layout would depend on:
Screen size (not modifiable by this feature)
Font name
Font style (f.e. bold)
Font size
Scale factor
2) In "screen scraping" I meant the regular Windows
command prompt feature to select parts of the window
and copy the content to the clipboard as text. This
also fully implemented by the GT, not requiring
any application code, except maybe some optional
I cannot find these in GTWVG, at least not in the
demo app. As for 2) it hasn't a meaning in GWTVG,
since it's fully graphical.
3) as for disabling 'close', I've actually found it
working in GTWVT. It can be enabled by _SET_CANCEL.
I'm not sure if this is good this way, as it gives
a different meaning for an existing setting, and
makes code more difficult to port between Clipper
and Harbour. In Clipper I want to use my app with
SET_CANCEL = .F., in Harbour + GTWVT I'd like to
disable Alt+C still, but I may want to allow window
closing, given that I can react to it from the app.
These are two different things.
So IMO here we should have a HB_GTI_ setting
instead, plus a way to specify a callback.
Saying all this, what we need IMO is the option
to specify a HB_GTI_NOTIFICATION_BLOCK, which
gets called with specific event code in the above
- HB_GTE_GOT_DRAG /* so we can let part of screen dragged to another
window */
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