On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 3:50 PM, Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I try this with "Courier New", "Courier", all
> the same. "Terminal", "Symbol" works though.

I too can't find a "clean" way to set font.

> [ The ultimate problem with Consolas though, is that
> you cannot distribute it with your application. ]

AFAIK Consolas is included in PowerPoint Viewer 2007 which is free for
"genuine" Windows users.

The problem with Courier New is that it gets really "bad" when used at
small sizes.

But what I'm trying to find is a "pattern" ti understand how to set a
font with gtwvt ( or how to know why a font can't be used ).

best regards,
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