Hi Lorenzo,

With gtxwc and the fixed font I can get 48 rows and 140 cols using size 13.

With gtwvt the only font that I've found usable at more than 25x80 is
Terminal, but it looks really "Dos".

M$ has a new fixed font "Consolas" that it comes with POwerPoint
Viewer 2007 but I can't find the right HB_GTI_FONT* parameters to use

Has anybody already done it?

Can anybody suggest gtwvt's font configuration?

For me it still doesn't seem to work (or it's possible
that I don't know how to use it).

I tried:
hb_gtInfo( HB_GTI_FONTNAME, "Consolas" )

And all I got was the default font (I don't
which this can be), but _without_ antialias.
By default it properly antialiased. (I have Consolas
installed, as I use it for the command prompt.)

If I try this with "Courier New", "Courier", all
the same. "Terminal", "Symbol" works though.

[ The ultimate problem with Consolas though, is that
you cannot distribute it with your application. ]


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