[ The ultimate problem with Consolas though, is that
you cannot distribute it with your application. ]

AFAIK Consolas is included in PowerPoint Viewer 2007 which is free for
"genuine" Windows users.

That's true, but you cannot distribute it's fonts with
your own app, regardless. What you can do is distribute
the Viewer 2007, and require it to install, but that is
not very clean.

I miss good free fonts. The only ones I found is the
Liberation fonts (Mono, Sans, Serif).

The problem with Courier New is that it gets really "bad" when used at
small sizes.

But what I'm trying to find is a "pattern" ti understand how to set a
font with gtwvt ( or how to know why a font can't be used ).

Yes, me too.

And if I can have my wishes too:

I'd like some functionality which lets the users reshape
the window, font size, font type. I reckon this will be
a recurring problem once the app gets to the field.
I could do that inside the app, but that would be far
from intuitive in a CUI application
(think of 'guess -> set -> try -> do it again until okay'
cycle - I'm not sure which setting is realtime).
[ I'm not talking about char screen resolution, because
this would need changing display content on the app
level. ]

Another one is what Massimo mentioned once, is the
possibility to control window closing, app shutdown.
In control I mean enable/disable (closing) and catch
it with a callback block. The xhb solution target this,
but it seems to be solved in a not very elegant way
(setkey plus some strange functions).

Also screen scraping is helpful in ordinary DOS window.


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