Hi Marek,
On 2008.02.15., at 22:44, Marek Paliwoda wrote:
Hi Viktor,
I seemed to have missed that. What will exactly be removed?
There is a note in a ChageLog :
2008-02-08 16:51 UTC+0100 Marek Paliwoda (mpaliwoda at interia pl)
I cannot find any signs for anything being removed in the future
in your ChangeLog. All I can see is that your newly introduced
.sh non-GNU make system are not supporting this feature.
A remark :
Newly updated files for unix like systems do not try to build
import libraries from respective packages. I was against this
move from the begining, because it is a user's responsibility
to have/create required import libraries, not a harbour one.
Not to mention that some packages may include those libraries
in their distributions, in which case these libraries should
be used instead. And last but not least, adding automatic import
Yes, mostly unusable, unless you use MSVC.
feature horribly complicates the whole alternative make system,
Horribly complicated: One command for BCC, some more batch lines
and a GNU tool for MSVC. Are you serious?
How horribly complicated the whole GNU and non-GNU make systems
are, compared to that...?
requires additional tools, not included in harbour, and is not
compatible with systems which do not require it at all. So I am
going to remove it after the release process finishes from the
rest of non GNU makefiles/batfiles.
I can see this remark, and while being _your_ opinion, pls
don't remove existing functionality from Harbour, without
group consent or discussion.
I personally miss this feature for GCC, as everyone will have
to deal with it manually. GCC has a tool for this which
could make the process fully automatic, in one line (dlltool).
It's a great addition that you plan to _remove_ existing
functionality for personal reasons, and paint it as an
improvement. I fail to see how this will move Harbour forward.
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