On Fri, 15 Feb 2008, Randy Portnoff wrote:
> Hi Przemek,
> >But your source code (or one of the header files you are using) have:
> >   #include "hbsetup.ch"
> >remove this line.
> It is not in my application source or headers nor in Windock - The 
> only references I can find to this file are in Harbour.

I'm sorry but it has to be in your source code. Directly or indirectly.
In whole Harbour code hbsetup.ch is included only by hbstdgen.ch and
hbstdgen.ch is used only by hbppgen file to generate PP rules.
I cannot give you more help. Use:
   grep -i "hbsetup.ch" *.*
and maybe you will find where. For sure it's not Harbour problem.
I've seen your exact error messages and as you can see they comes
from compiling hbsetup.ch by Harbour compiler. So this file is
for sure compiled in your environment. Because Harbour does not
include it then your code has to do that. If you cannot find it
yourself then sorry but I'm not a magic to help you and guess where
it's included in the source code you try to compile.

> >> >> -----------------------
> >> >> 6. When I run my Windows app, the app seems to launch ok but a DOS
> >> >> box appears in the background.
> >> >The default build time GT (GTWIN) is activated. If you do not
> >> >want to use it add to your code:
> >> >   REQUEST HB_GT_GUI_DEFAULT  // for TONE() and ClipBoard functions
> >>
> >> I am building a Windows EXE - I must include HARBOUR_MAIN_WIN in IN
> >> HBSETUP.H for use with WINDOCK.
> >> How to I enable Windows GUI without the DOS box appearing?
> >I'll repeat. Add tou your source code:
> >   REQUEST HB_GT_GUI_DEFAULT  // for TONE() and ClipBoard functions
> >read doc/gtapi.txt from line 104 for details.
> Ok, this worked - I had to:
> - Include what you mentioned above
> - Remove gtwin.lib
> - Add gtgui.lib
> Is that correct?

You do not have to remove gtgui. You can add all GT libraries
to your link scripts and only the ones requested by you explicitly
will be linked. Please remember that now you can link your application
with more then one GT and chose them at application startup, f.e. you
can still use GTWIN or GTSTD and add to your application some small
console mode f.e. for some background task when it's run from command
line or GTCGI when the same binaries are also used to generate CGI.

best regards,
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