We have it because some packages won't supply a .lib file
for the compiler _type and version_ users might happen to use.
F.e. ADS will supply MSVC compatible .lib files, but none for
BCC55, which I personally (and pbly other ppl too) happen to
It changes literaly nothing. It's a user's job, not harbour's.
It can only lead to *confusion* - for example with odbc lib,
which is included in Bcc and Msvc.
So instead of me having to do this step manually all
the time (been there), the make system will do it for me
This automatic step *has no value*. Sorry, I repeated "why"
many many times, but you seem to not get it or to ignore it.
This is implemented for all contribs which need a .dll,
and there are such ones (like Apollo) which won't provide
you any .libs for any compilers.
This service won't hurt anyone, yet it can help many ppl, so
I cannot see where the problem is here.
[ yes, external tool requirement would be better to be dropped,
but unfortunately no better solution came up in the lengthy
discussion back then, and 'sed' is free and std GNU tool, so
we're true to the spirit. ]
This is *ABSOLUTLY* not true. Please read the whole initial
thread from few months back again - I clearly showd you that
no external tool is needed. But even in this situation, doing
import in Harbour *is plain wrong*. The only one thing I
could accept regarding this issue is Przemek's suggestion
about independant bat/sh files runnable by users "by hand".
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