On Fri, 15 Feb 2008, Randy Portnoff wrote:
> >hbsetup.ch should not be longer included. All definitions inside
> >this file are include in build in PP rules.
> But I do not know where it is defined - I am not defining it anywhere!?

But your source code (or one of the header files you are using) have:

   #include "hbsetup.ch"

remove this line.

> >> -----------------------
> >> 2. I am still using ADS/ALS v6.22 and therefore the new RDDADS will
> >> not work for me - I must use the RDD_ADS from Beta3 instead - Perhaps
> >> it should be included in the new build for developers not yet using ADS 
> >v8.
> >> -----------------------
> >ace.h has been removed from SVN - you have to use your own ace.h file
> >if you want to recompile Harbour for source.
> I included the ACE.H from v6.22 and get the following build error:
> ..\mtpl_vc.mak(110) : fatal error U1023: syntax error in expression
> Stop.
> 'sed' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.
> Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 6.00.8447
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.
> _temp.def : warning LNK4093: Drive/Directory component ignored in 
> "LIBRARY" staement
>    Creating library ..\..\lib\vc\ace32.lib and object ..\..\lib\vc\ace32.exp

This is part of batch file to create import library from .dll
I do not know why we have it. Valid import libraries may be
distributed by Extended System and we do not have to make
them ourself - the original import libraries may be differ
then the one we are creating. Additionally some linkers do not
need import libraries at all and can use .dll directly.
IMHO such functionality can be added only as option. F.e.
.bat file in bin/ subdirectory which will creates import libraries
from .dll just like hb-mkslib creates shared libraries (.so, .dll, .dyn)
from static ones (.a) and object files (.o)

> >> -----------------------
> >> 4. I need to include "/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt.lib" to get around link
> >> errors - I'm not sure what the implications of this are.
> >> -----------------------
> >> 5. I can get my app to build, but get this warning:
> >> LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "ADVAPI32.dll" discarded by
> >> /OPT:REF
> >
> >This are MSVC linker related problems. Probably you mixed C and C++
> >libraries/code.
> I cannot see anywhere I am including any .CPP source - Also note that 

I haven't said that you have any. cpp files. I only said that you are
probably mixing code compiled in C and C++ mode. But I only guess.
I do not use MSVC. Maybe Marek or Viktor can help you.

> I do not get these errors in Beta3 and I am using the same tools so I 
> think something has changed in Harbour.

Yes of course it was changed. now you can create Harbour binaries
using C and C++ mode. And this maybe the result of your problems.
Not all binaries you are linking together where compiled in the
same mode. Bad as I said I only guess.

> >> -----------------------
> >> 6. When I run my Windows app, the app seems to launch ok but a DOS
> >> box appears in the background.
> >The default build time GT (GTWIN) is activated. If you do not
> >want to use it add to your code:
> >   REQUEST HB_GT_GUI_DEFAULT  // for TONE() and ClipBoard functions
> I am building a Windows EXE - I must include HARBOUR_MAIN_WIN in IN 
> HBSETUP.H for use with WINDOCK.
> How to I enable Windows GUI without the DOS box appearing?

I'll repeat. Add tou your source code:

   REQUEST HB_GT_GUI_DEFAULT  // for TONE() and ClipBoard functions

read doc/gtapi.txt from line 104 for details.

best regards,
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