On Mon, 11 Feb 2008, Ryszard Glab wrote:
> > Yes. This will be nice solution. The only one problem is with
> > temporary test if in our RTL code will not appear calls to new
> > RDD functions which may force linking both modules. But of course
> > it's a minor problem.
>   Can we create then two libraries:
> harbour - with vm+rtl+rdd
> harbourn - with wm+rtl+nulsys and without rdd code

Interesting. But please remember that we will have HVM version
for MT mode. In current terminology I wanted to call it hbvmmt.
with such common library we will need harbourmt. In such case
I rather will not want to make more harbour libraries because
we will have to create each of them in ST and MT version.

best regards,
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