On Mon, 11 Feb 2008, Marek Paliwoda wrote:
> >Are you absolutly sure ? AFAIK there is *always* a reference to RDD
> >code from VM. Otehrwise it would be possible to link an executable
> >without *any* rdd library, which is IMO impossible. So yes,
> >       gcc myapp.o -lnulrdd -lhrb
> >will work.
> Or in case linker does not support rescan, a simple REQUEST NULRDD
> would certainly help and would be consistent with "Clipper rules".

Yes. This will be nice solution. The only one problem is with
temporary test if in our RTL code will not appear calls to new
RDD functions which may force linking both modules. But of course
it's a minor problem.

best regards,
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