Hi Andreas, all,

On Fri, 21 Feb 2025 at 15:23, Andreas Enge <andr...@enge.fr> wrote:

>> I can understand that since info-guix is advertised as a “Low-traffic
>> mailing list for announcements to Guix users”¹.
>> Did we go overboard with the requirement to send GCDs to info-guix?
> I find this point valid. Can we just move the announcement to guix-devel
> instead of info-guix, without requiring another GCD?
> info-guix should be announcements for users, and this is clearly a
> developers' issue (mainly relevant to the people who have a say in the
> end, that is, team members, although anybody can chime in).

My opinion is threefold.

1. On a pragmatic point of view, what do we speak about?  3 emails about
   GCD (and 4 emails in total) over the past 2 months.  Therefore, it’s
   low-traffic – or please define low-traffic. :-)

2. On the principles, GCD is about all the Guix users and not only
   targeting Guix developers.  It’s not because only Team members
   deliberate that it’s only relevant for them.  The aim of the GCD
   seems: Because it’s about a significant change potentially impacting
   third-party and/or many users, they need to be aware that such change
   is under discussion and so raise their voice – it’s the
   counter-measure against « Why wasn't I consulted » [1].

   When discussing the GCD process itself, it had been raised [2] that
   the traffic on guix-devel is too high and people do not closely

On these two main points, I said elsewhere in this thread [3]:

        Moreover, if it’s a GCD, then it means it has a broad impact,
        and how to find the right balance:

          • We do not go via info-guix and then people will complain
            because they had not been aware and they did not have the
            opportunity to raise their voice;

          • We go via info-guix and then yes the traffic on info-guix
            might be a bit higher than usual for the next 4-6 months
            (the time we clean some [1-3] “big” topics pending over the
            past months/years).

        My conclusion: We start with info-guix for the next 6 months and
        if the traffic is too high (define high? ;-)) then we create a
        dedicated mailing list.

3. How do we know we all agree with “move the announcement to guix-devel
   instead of info-guix”?  We know that the current 001 document is
   Supported and Agreed on, but we cannot change some details as it
   pleases some of us – and probably because they appear minor to some
   of us – without asking – because maybe this detail is not minor for
   other folk than some of us.

   Yes, I agree: we need a GCD for amending accepted GCD! :-)

   For example, it would not make sense to run a complete process for
   only replacing info-guix by guix-devel under the section
   « Communication Channels ». :-)


1: https://simon.tournier.info/posts/2023-10-30-toward-rfc.html

2: Re: Guix Common Document process (v7) (was: Request-For-Comment, RFC)
Arun Isaac <arunis...@systemreboot.net>
Sun, 12 Jan 2025 15:11:50 +0000

3: Re: GCDs on info-guix?
Simon Tournier <zimon.touto...@gmail.com>
Fri, 21 Feb 2025 14:08:33 +0100

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