On 2023-03-10 19:24, Cayetano Santos wrote:

>>ven. 10 mars 2023 at 19:14, Simon Tournier <zimon.touto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 at 17:59, John Kehayias
>> <john.kehay...@protonmail.com> wrote:
>>> During this discussion some changes were made to this inheritance structure 
>>> in
>>> <https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/commit/?id=b4c64ddce44bb31332784c3f8e037bd565194604>
>>> and
>>> <https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/commit/?id=070c335a91d5c245f0360e12c794e9109f9faaf1>
>> Thanks for pointing that.  From my understanding, it does not change
>> what Cayetanos is raising: emacs-next-tree-sitter is built using
>> '--with-pgtk'.  In fact, the package emacs-next-tree-sitter is built
>> using the master branch (Emacs 30 unbranched yet) with tree-sitter
>> *and* pgtk support.
>> Cheers,
>> simon
> As for the NEWS-29 file:
> "Running this configuration on X is known to have problems, such as
> undesirable frame positioning and various issues with keyboard input of
> sequences such as 'C-;' and 'C-S-u'."
> C.

I haven't used X for a while, but if it's still the case for 30 version,
I guess we can inherit pgtk from tree-sitter.

This will update emacs-next-pgtk from emacs-29 to somewhere near 30 on
master, but I it should be fine. I use the same commit as
emacs-next-tree-sitter in my local tree-sitter+pgtk emacs package and
everything seems to work for me.


Best regards,
Andrew Tropin

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