> The English saying uses "cake" instead of "tortilla".
Thaanks :D

> Personally, I don't see why a project like Guile needs a presence on any 
> social
> network.  After-all, Guile is a technical project, not a social one.  On the
> other hand, it is part of GNU, a project which aims to address a growing 
> social
> problem in the world today.
> I find social networks/forums awkward to use, and a rather inefficient way to 
> get
> help on technical matters, but I'm aware that others have different opinions. 
>  So
> if that is one of my eggs which has to get broken, in order to help bake this
> particular cake/tortilla then so be it.    However, if we have to break not 
> only eggs,
> but also destroy the freedom of the people to whom we hope to feed the cake, 
> then
> it would be better not to bake it at all.

Honestly, if you do not see that social networks are essential to the
success of a project nowadays I'm sure you have more than 30 years. I
have 40 and I have not used social networking until + / - 2 years, but
it's amazing the amount of information/opinion is moving there. For
the forties this may not be a problem, but look where teenagers are:
watching their timeline on a android or apple. GNU Guile doesn't
capture attention of all those people, and if not remedied GNU Guile
will age. With all due respect Andy Wingo and Ludovic Courtes will not
live forever.
People that use Scheme is a minority, and that minority is largely
Racket. In my opinion not because it is better, neither because you
can do a gui or graphics more easily with it. In my opinion is because
they are handling the issue of social networks better.

> So please start a social net group if you think it helps.  But use services, 
> and
> systems which respect the goals that GNU and Guile strive for.

The respectable term is relative: for some may not be respectable use
twitter that Andy Wingo uses. For others it may not be respectable use
this planet http://scheme.dk/planet/ that explicitly says "To see old
posts: Visit Google Reader" and recommended Ludovic Courtes.
Racketers or Gnomers (I think that Gnome is a GNU project) use Google+
and for some may not be respectable.

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