On Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 09:39:31AM +0100, zx spectrumgomas wrote:
     On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 11:36 PM, Ludovic Court?s <l...@gnu.org> wrote:
     > Hi,
     > As others wrote, please don?t advertise this service here.  This one and
     > similar services are a threat to privacy and freedom of speech, and in
     > opposition with what we stand for.
     > As you may already know, there are other tools that some of us regularly
     > use: one is this mailing list, another one is IRC.
     > If you think these tools aren?t suitable for your workflow, that is
     > fine.  In that case, I urge you to come up with a solution that is not a
     > threat to the privacy, freedom, and autonomy of our users.  ?Building a
     > community? should not imply giving up on essential freedoms.
     > Thanks in advance,
     > Ludo?.
     the phrase "I urge you to come up with a solution that is not a
     threat to the privacy, freedom, and autonomy of our users." looks very
     good. The problem is that the real world is full of newbies and they
     don't know come up with these solutions (Me here).
     In my opinion the solution is attract attention in social networks,
     then get do a "gnu-rails" that mentioned here. And then resolve the
     Planet's issue. As we say in Spain: You can't make a tortilla without
     breaking eggs.  I understand that your opinions are morally more
     respectable than mine (No irony in this sentence, it is really what I
     think).  (irony #on) But in Spain it is customary to stay acquitted if
     you confess your sins.
     It is clear that Guile has a serious problem with  communication in
     social networks, and if someone does not want to see it then it's
     because his eyes are closed.

The English saying uses "cake" instead of "tortilla".  

Personally, I don't see why a project like Guile needs a presence on any social
network.  After-all, Guile is a technical project, not a social one.  On the
other hand, it is part of GNU, a project which aims to address a growing social
problem in the world today. 

I find social networks/forums awkward to use, and a rather inefficient way to 
help on technical matters, but I'm aware that others have different opinions.  
if that is one of my eggs which has to get broken, in order to help bake this 
particular cake/tortilla then so be it.    However, if we have to break not 
only eggs,
but also destroy the freedom of the people to whom we hope to feed the cake, 
it would be better not to bake it at all.

So please start a social net group if you think it helps.  But use services, and
systems which respect the goals that GNU and Guile strive for.


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