>From hellekin: > *** Good points. As a newbie, I would appreciate such entry-level > pointers and help. LibrePlanet, however, is not a "planet" (blog > aggregation), it is a wiki: you could start a page at > http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:GNU_Guile and publish your notes and > tutorials there I suppose.
Well, it seems that newbies agree. :D >From Ludovic Courtès: On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 11:41 PM, Ludovic Courtès <l...@gnu.org> wrote: > zx spectrumgomas <spectrumgo...@gmail.com> skribis: > >> The problem is that it is ONLY a forum. It isn't a >> Planet. > > Not sure if that’s what you mean here, but there are blog aggregators > that may be relevant to Guilers, such as: > > http://planet.gnu.org/ > http://scheme.dk/planet/ > > Ludo’. Yes, that's +/- what I mean. Although the model I would want is similar to google+, with social networks and more casual. Ideal for newbies. I think that nowadays if a project wants attract attention it must use social networks. The problem is that there is little feedback in Identi.ca : https://twitter.com/federicomena/status/204994604649553920 . If a newbie starts talking on identi.ca seems to be talking to the walls: http://identi.ca/group/guile . And the twitter account does not explain much: https://twitter.com/gnuguile . http://planet.gnu.org obviously isn't suitable place to newbies guilers place their notes. In my opinion this option is discarded. http://scheme.dk/planet/ seems a better choice, but it doesn't use social networks. It's less casual. Not ideal for newbies. Neither It is only for GNU Guile. Besides I do not see that this page does not supports Google. It says explicity: "To see old posts: Visit Google Reader" "Add to Google". Racketeers also is in this planet, and they are also in google+ : https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/108652050642990465975 https://plus.google.com/103883747126741038443/posts