Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Groff] groff CVS now needs texinfo 4.8
To build 4.6, there were no patches required. Of course, it may be that 4.8 requires
To get 'makeinfo' for Win32, I am using Kees Zeelenberg's GnuWin32 port of
texinfo, which is currently at version 4.6. Unfortunately, Kees doesn't
donate his patches back to the originating GNU projects -- official texinfo
4.8 sources don't build with my MSYS/MinGW tool chain -- and I don't have
time to devote to porting it myself :-(
new patches.
Any patches are always added in diff-form to the sources as available from the
GnuWin32 site, and so previous patches, if any, are always easy to apply.
In the past I've sometimes sent patches to original maintainers, but usually they are not
interested in MS-Windows ports. In fact, even Groff hasn't applied patches
submitted almost a year ago; see
(this is not to say that Groff-ers are not interested in MS-Windows ports; in fact,
Groff is one of the few large packages that are very well suited for compiling on
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