Alejandro López-Valencia wrote:

> Kees Zeelenberg wrote:
>> Werner LEMBERG"  writes:
>>> `progreloc.c' in the gnulib CVS (on Savannah)?  I wonder whether it
>>> makes sense to use this `canonical' source code instead...
>> request has been sent separately).  BTW, have you ever had a look at
>> Of course, it would be preferable to use gnulib for this. But, using 
>> WinCvs, I've never been able to access the CVS for gnulib, since it 
>> requires an ssh connection. I'll try again sometime.
>> Kees
> May I suggest exploring putty/plink (at, I think)? 
> Incidentally, that's one of the reasons I use Cygwin, OpenSSH is soo 
> much easier to use... <wink>
> Alejo

I never had any success using the groff CVS, as it *should* be used,
on MS-Windows, even using Cygwin -- I suspect a corporate firewall
may be blocking the SSH data stream :-(

But, back on the original topic, texinfo 4.8 builds OOTB with Cygwin.
This provides a mechanism for MS-Windows users to build groff from CVS,
*without* resorting to obtaining pre-built info files from elsewhere :-)
I'm not sure how well it will cope with building a non-Cygwin dependent
groff though -- by adding `-mno-cygwin' to the CFLAGS -- I haven't
tried that yet.

BTW, while the texinfo build completes successfully, a `make check'
reports a failure of the `no-header' test.  This isn't a problem with
texinfo itself, but rather in the Cygwin emulation of /dev/null, to
which the test tries to redirect its makeinfo output; substituting
`nul' -- MS-Windows native name for the null device -- for `/dev/null'
in the test specification, allows all tests to pass.  I guess I could
submit a patch to texinfo to address this, (I've patched my own copy
of the source), but I am not subscribed to any of their lists, and
I don't want to receive a flood of texinfo related mail; furthermore,
the texinfo project team holds no copyright assignment from me.

Perhaps I should also raise the issue with the Cygwin developers,
but again, I am not subscribed to any of their mail lists, and again,
I don't want to receive a flood of Cygwin related mail.

Best regards,

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