On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 12:06 PM Jon Watte <jwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't want to include int or struct{} in this case. I care specifically 
> about "can be compared to nil"
> The only thing I can do with a type parameter that is only constrained as 
> "nil" is compare it to nil, or assign nil to it.
> This means approximately "any reference type" -- interfaces, pointers, maps, 
> slices, chans...

It's not obvious that that is an interesting set of types.  How often
do people want to write a generic function that permits any type that
can be compared to nil but does not permit any numeric or string type?

> But, let's put this out there:
> How would you, today, write a function that compacted a slice of interface, 
> such that any "nil" interface value would be removed from the slice?

Unless I misunderstand, you seem to have shifted the goal a bit.
There is currently no way to restrict a type argument to be an
interface type, with or without your suggestion of a nil constraint.

> func Compact[T ?](sl []T) []T {
>     j := 0
>     for i := 0; i < len(sl); i++ {
>         if el := sl[i]; el != nil {
>             sl[j] = el
>             j++
>         }
>     }
>     return sl[:j]
> }
> There's nothing today I can put in place of the "?" to make this 
> perfectly-reasonable generic function work.
> I propose I should be able to put "nil" in place of the "?" to make this 
> work, and it would work for any reference type (that can be compared or 
> assigned to nil.)
> Unless I'm missing something?

Well, here is a version that works for a slice of any type, including
an interface type.  Arguably, though, using reflect is cheating.

func Compact[T any](s []T) []T {
    j := 0
    for _, v := range s {
        vv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
        if vv.IsValid() && !vv.IsZero() {
            s[j] = v
    return s[:j]


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