(correction: It should be Convert[J isinterface, T J]. I changed the name
from I to J to be more readable and then missed one occurrence)

On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 7:33 AM Axel Wagner <axel.wagner...@googlemail.com>

> On Wed, Oct 4, 2023 at 6:54 AM Jon Watte <jwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > where it is important to permit only type arguments that can be
>> compared to nil
>> I see! As in, if we somehow got a "equalszero" constraint, then that
>> constraint would solve the problem I illustrate.
>> I believe that assertion is correct, but I also believe that is a
>> stronger assertion, and also that it introduces more of a new concept than
>> a simple "nil" constraint. (Unless you're looking for some way to make
>> "any" work, and introduce a zero keyword or something...)
> Yes, that is what #61372 <https://go.dev/issue/61372> proposes: Introduce
> a `zero` predeclared identifier (!) that is assignable to any type and
> comparable to any type. With some discussion about whether it should only
> apply inside generic code or not. There is no proposal (as far as I know)
> for anything like an "equalszero" constraint, as every type can be assigned
> a meaningful comparison to its zero value, so it seems we should just allow
> it for all types.
> To be clear, the criticism of a `nilable` constraint is
> 1. It only solves a subset of the problem we are seeing. You gave examples
> from that subset. I gave some examples of problems we are seeing that are
> *not* in that subset.
> 2. It is not really clear this particular subset is particularly
> important. Why is the *specific* split into (interfaces, pointers,
> slices, functions, maps, channels) and (numbers, booleans, strings,
> structs, arrays) a particularly important one?
> 3. As long as that is not clear, it seems more prudent to focus on
> mechanisms that solve more of the problems we are seeing.
> FWIW I could, personally, get more (though still not fully) on board with
> an `isinterface` constraint, that would allow *only* interfaces. It would
> still allow assignment and comparison to `nil`. But it seems far clearer to
> me, that interfaces can be singled out. While a `nil` interface is
> categorically an invalid value, the same is not true for `nil`
> pointers/maps/channels/funcs *in general*. Any of those kinds of types
> could still have methods callable on them that work perfectly fine (by
> doing an `if receiver == nil` check in the method). You categorically can't
> call a method on a `nil` interface.
> And an `isinterface` constraint could still conceivable be useful for many
> of the examples you mentioned. Or it would allow
> func Convert[J isinterface, T I](s []T) []J {
>     out := make([]I, len(T))
>     for i, v := range s {
>         out[i] = J(v)
>     }
>     return out
> }
> I'd still not be convinced this is really worth it, but at least it seems
> clearer why that particular subset of types deserves to be singled out. In
> fact, many people have argued that the interface zero value really
> shouldn't have been spelled `nil`, because interfaces have so little in
> common, conceptually, to other "nilable" types.
>> Also, there's the ergonomics of having to make a zero value instance.
>> Maybe we can rely on the compiler to optimize it away, but at a minimum it
>> adds another required line of code in the implementation. E g:
>> func MaybeNuke[T nil](b bool, val T) T {
>>   if b {
>>     return nil
>>   }
>>   return val
>> }
>> func MaybeNuke(T zero](b bool, val T) T {
>>   if b {
>>     var nope T // an extra line!
>>     return nope
>>   }
>>   return val
>> }
>> func MaybeNuke(T any](b bool, val T) T {
>>   if b {
>>     return zero[T]{} // maybe? seems weird
>>   }
>>   return val
>> }
>> This is because not all zero values can be instantiated inline with
>> simply T{}.
>> Sincerely,
>> Jon Watte
>> --
>> "I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have." -- Thomas
>> Jefferson

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