On Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 7:30 PM Jon Watte <jwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I want to implement a generic function to "remove nil values from a
> slice." This should be able to remove nil instances of error, for example.
> So, let's say I have:
> var arg = []error{nil, errors.New("oh noes"), nil}
> Unfortunately, this doesn't work:
> func Compact[T comparable](s []T) T {
>    ...
>    if s[i] == nil {
> because "error" is not comparable.

Actually, error is comparable. See https://go.dev/play/p/ymBOc5JQyJT

The problem with your code is that "T comparable" guarantees that two
values of type T can be compared, but does not guarantee you can compare a
value of type T to nil. For example, int is a comparable type, but you
can't compare an int to nil. See https://go.dev/play/p/SETrraZ7vkR, which
produces the error message: ./prog.go:11:11: invalid operation: t != nil
(mismatched types T and untyped nil)

This also doesn't work:
> func Compact[T any](s []T) T {
>   var zero T
>   ...
>   if s[i] == zero {
> because T is not a comparable constraint.

You can fix this by making T comparable instead of any. But then the
function will also remove 0 from int slices, "" from string slices, etc.

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