I've been thinking some more about this problem this week. I found the 
performance profiler in Chrome and can see that the each frame is taking 
longer than the required 16.7ms to create. The duration for each frame is 
more like 100ms. The native performance meanwhile can reach about 7ms. I 
expected a drop in performance but not that much.

If anyone can offer any insight or if these figures seem wrong then I'd 
love to take some advice.


On Saturday, 16 September 2023 at 09:02:34 UTC+1 Stephen Illingworth wrote:

> I have tried running it in Firefox and Chromium. The webserve.sh script in 
> the ebiten_test folder runs a small httpd server to serve up the binary to 
> the browser.
> On Saturday, 16 September 2023 at 08:45:52 UTC+1 Brian Candler wrote:
>> What WASM runtime are you using to execute the code?

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