emacs, and many other...
понедельник, 21 августа 2023 г. в 12:15:44 UTC+5, Volker Dobler: 

> > Best IDE for G[o]?
> This is hard to answer like most "best" questions.
> What is the best dish? The best movie.
> The best vacuum cleaner?
> But honestly its emacs of course.
> V
> On Saturday, 19 August 2023 at 11:27:34 UTC+2 alex-coder wrote:
>> Hi All !
>> Gophers, there is at least 10 years as GO on a market, Good job !
>> I found a list of the best IDE and Plugins there:
>> https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/IDEsAndTextEditorPlugins
>> As I remember Java came around 1995 and within 3-4 years several 
>> companies 
>> developed really great IDEs successful or less to develop commercial 
>> project 
>> on Java. Here is a list of but I may miss somewhat, sorry, 
>> it was relatively a long time ago:
>> Forte for Java ( Praga, Czech republic)
>> VisualCafe (Symantec)
>> VisuailAge (IBM)
>> JBuilder (Borland)
>> Together Control Center (TogetherSoft, Germany)
>> Eclipse, and set of commercial IDE on a base on: RSA,RSD,WID and so on 
>> (IBM)
>> appear later:
>> VS Code ( Microsoft)
>> IDEA (JetBrain)
>> What I'm looking for is the ability to manage dependencies not only in 
>> code, 
>> but entirely in a project from requirements to deployment.
>> The feature should be inbuild into IDE or at least it would be possible 
>> to write plugin to implement it.
>> It is quite possible that I'm missing somewhat here.
>> Gophers, may be there is another place where I should look for IDE for GO 
>> ?
>> Thank you.

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