Sorry that was snotty. Bring back the punch cards to really prove who’s a great 

> On Aug 26, 2023, at 4:29 PM, Robert Engels <> wrote:
> Or you click on the top stack line in an IDE and then arose down. 
> It’s like some people want to go back to horse and buggy “because it was 
> better for the environment”. Balancing competing priorities is a great skill 
> to have. 
>>> On Aug 26, 2023, at 3:51 PM, Justin Israel <> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Aug 27, 2023 at 12:47 AM Mike Schinkel <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> If I understand what you are asking then JetBrains GoLand does. 
>>> I do not know if there is a way to use the keyboard, but it does provides 
>>> links you can click when it displays the call stack on panic.
>> If your keymap configuration derives from one of the system configs 
>> (Windows, Macos, ...) then "Next Frame" and "Previous Frame" have default 
>> mapped hotkeys. So you can do the same workflow Jason mentioned, starting a 
>> debugger execution, which panics, and then navigating the stack all via 
>> keyboard (if that really is your thing).
>>> -Mike
>>>> On Saturday, August 26, 2023 at 8:33:08 AM UTC-4 Jason E. Aten wrote:
>>>> Is there any IDE that allows you to jump through a stack trace like emacs 
>>>> does?
>>>> e.g. If I have a panic on a run, with two keystrokes I can jump to the 
>>>> origin
>>>> of the panic, and then their caller, and then the parent caller, and then 
>>>> up to
>>>> the grandparent on the call stack... instantly. I've never found this 
>>>> essential
>>>> functionality elsewhere, but maybe I'm just not familiar... A friend of 
>>>> mine tried
>>>> to add it to Visual Studio and gave up... it was just too hard for VS. But 
>>>> maybe JetBrains has it??
>>>> I'd love to try an IDE other than emacs, but this is a fundament thing, 
>>>> that I cannot give up.
>>>>> On Friday, August 25, 2023 at 6:21:35 PM UTC+1 Mike Schinkel wrote:
>>>>> Yes, as Luke Crook mentioned I think those requirements are more ALM 
>>>>> functionality than IDE functionality.  
>>>>> Generally, ALM addresses concerns broader than individual concerns 
>>>>> whereas IDEs are more focused on individual productivity.
>>>>> Just my opinion, but I would expect you'd be better off finding an ALM 
>>>>> solution and then an IDE that integrates with that ALM, or vice versa, 
>>>>> i.e. find an IDE that integrates with an ALM and then use that ALM.
>>>>> #fwiw
>>>>> -Mike
>>>>>> On Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 7:21:46 AM UTC-4 alex-coder wrote:
>>>>>> Hi All !
>>>>>> Considering that IBM's punch cards were bearing at least twice, I would 
>>>>>> vote for them. :-)
>>>>>> Of cource I do agree with them who wrote that to feel comfortable "under 
>>>>>> fingers" is great !
>>>>>> So, the tasks to code - they are different. 
>>>>>> Sometimes it is possible to keep all the details regards to the task in 
>>>>>> a head or several.
>>>>>> Sometimes it is nesessary to write say a hard copy of them(details) on a 
>>>>>> paper with a different size.
>>>>>> But in case the task from the area of the "poorly formalized". You spend 
>>>>>> paper quickly. :-)
>>>>>> The Luke Crook points to:
>>>>>> I will simplify the task somewhat and take from ALM for example even 
>>>>>> less than SDLC, namely:
>>>>>> requirements, design, implementation, testing, deployment.
>>>>>> 1. Requirements must be described somewhere.
>>>>>> 2. Design artifacts should reflect requirements.
>>>>>> 3. Design decisions refer to objects and messages that
>>>>>>     implemented in the form of classes and operations.
>>>>>> 4. Each operation must pass at least one test.
>>>>>>     All tests must be passed successfully.
>>>>>> 5. The application is assembled and installed there and 
>>>>>>     the tests are successfully passed again.
>>>>>> Question: is there any IDE or plugin which one support that kind of 
>>>>>> dependencies in a graphical mode ?
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> вторник, 22 августа 2023 г. в 18:22:52 UTC+3, Mike Schinkel: 
>>>>>>> On Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 5:27:34 AM UTC-4 alex-coder wrote:
>>>>>>> What I'm looking for is the ability to manage dependencies not only in 
>>>>>>> code,
>>>>>>> but entirely in a project from requirements to deployment.
>>>>>>> I assume you mean a lot more than just Go package dependencies, as `go 
>>>>>>> mod` handles those nicely.
>>>>>>> Can you elaborate on the specific dependencies you are trying to 
>>>>>>> manage?  In specific, vs generalities.
>>>>>>> -Mike  
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