On 18-03-2021, Tyler Compton wrote:

> I think we all want to stick our noses in this thread. I'm going to stick
> my nose in it too :)
> Space, I don't think you'll ever be happy as a result of this discussion,
> no matter what evidence or arguments others provide you. I think the fact
> is that you were burned by the outcome of the generics proposal. You didn't
> have the time to review the draft proposal and engage with the discussion
> early, and you disagree with the resulting outcome. That's unfortunate and
> I'm sorry it happened. I hope you don't feel that people are trying to
> convince you that you weren't burned. Nothing feels worse than having your
> concerns trivialized.
> However, you have to understand that just because you were burned doesn't
> mean that those around you making these decisions are bad actors. There are
> probably small ways that this process could have been improved, but I don't
> think they would have changed the outcome. The reality is that after many
> iterations, the Go team created a proposal that a large enough number of Go
> users found beneficial for it to be accepted. I know you disagree with
> them, but our responsibility as members of this community is to
> exercise our right to disagree without resorting to attacks on character. I
> hope I've been able to address your concerns and disagree with you without
> making you feel I'm attacking your character.
> To those who are still attempting to provide evidence that the generics
> proposal process was conducted in good faith, I think you've done
> everything you need to do and it's probably best to just let this one go.



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