If you read more than write, then you can use a sync.RWMutex an RLock when 
reading, Lock when writing.

Kurtis Rader a következőt írta (2020. november 15., vasárnap, 6:13:03 

> On Sat, Nov 14, 2020 at 8:34 PM Robert Engels <ren...@ix.netcom.com> 
> wrote:
>> That wasn’t my take on the OPs need. He said the consumer is very 
>> expensive - implying to me they only want to process the latest. If 
>> dropping the oldest is viable you might as well drop all old entries and 
>> use the latest. 
> The O.P. wrote two days ago:
> > Thanks. I want the receiver always get the relately new vaule,  I don't 
> want the sender blocked and I either choose drop the current value or the 
> first value of the channel. But I don't find a way to safely drop the first 
> value from the channel.
> In other words, they want the consumer to always fetch, and process, the 
> oldest available value. They want the producer(s) to always enqueue their 
> value; even if doing so requires dropping the oldest value from the queue 
> to make room for the new value. Whether that is sensible behavior, thus 
> requiring something other than a simple Go channel, is not obvious given 
> what the O.P. has written so far.
> -- 
> Kurtis Rader
> Caretaker of the exceptional canines Junior and Hank

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