Thanks for your comments, however they do not resolve my problem. My
belief is that there used to be a gtk file as part of the standard
config, but the contents of that file are now part of the overall coding
of GNU cash. I can find the directory where I believe the gtk file
should reside, but I don't have such a file, and do not have the coding
skills or knowledge to create one. I have seen the online advice how to
edit gtk, and can manage that, but not without the file to start with.
I also do not understand the relationship between a gtk file and the
inbuilt coding vis a vis fonts, and how it will work. That will be an
act of faith.
I am in the classic situation like when your Internet connection goes
down, and the support person tells you where on the internet to go for
the fix.🙂
On 23-Oct-24 13:13, Phyllis Bruce wrote:
Richard, if you go into Help/about, you can click on the _live_ link
to the user config file. Then copy the gtx-3.0.css file directly into
it. Once you reboot, you should see a larger font in the program.
Windows does not make this stuff easy for non-programmers like me.
Hope this helps.
On Oct 22, 2024, at 7:59 PM, R Losey <rlo...@gmail.com> wrote:
As I read the help, the file doesn't exist until you create it; it
needs to
be put in the GNC_USERCONFIG_DIR as defined in the "About" menu
item. I'm
currently on a Mac, and I'm certain that the "About" item is
somewhere else
on Windows.
So, you need to create the file somewhere, and then copy it to
the configuration directory, restart GnuCash, and the changes should take
On Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 7:30 PM Richard Gaede via gnucash-user <
gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:
I am a longstanding Gnu Cash user, currently using V5.6 on 3 Win
machines (2x11, 1x10). On my latest machine, which was a clean install,
the size of the register font is causing me difficulties. I have
succesfully changed fonts in reports, however cannot do so for the
I have followed the various recent comments about editing gtk-3.0.css,
but cannot locate such a file on my system. There is no reference to it
anywhere in GTK_USERCONFIG_DIR. The only place I have found anything
like it is in the Program Files … …Gnu Cash\etc\gtk-3.0. The latter is a
directory containing settings.ini and im_multipress.conf. On
examination, only settings.ini seems to have any relevance, and its
contents look nothing like what is shown in the examples of gtk-3.0.css.
the situation is similar on my other Win 11 machine which has gone
through several upgrades.
What am I missing in order to change the register font to something
other than an optometrist's delight?
Any guidance greatly appreciated.
P.S. My thanks to the developers and all others in making this excellent
software package work as well as it does.
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Richard Losey
Micah 6:8
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